Home MLS More MLS Ex-TFC players Stinson, Dunfield still having contracts paid out by MLS

Ex-TFC players Stinson, Dunfield still having contracts paid out by MLS


The MLS Players Union has confirmed that both Matt Stinson and Terry Dunfield, two Canadian players cut by Toronto FC earlier this year, are still on the payroll.

When the union released its salary update last week, Dunfield and Stinson were among four unattached players who were still on the list, along with ex-Whitecap Paulo Jr. and Nico Muniz.

On Wednesday, MLSPU executive director Bob Foose confirmed that the reason the four unattached players are still on the list is because they are still having their contracts paid out. As MLS is single-entity, Foose stated that the contracts are being paid out by the league.

MLS itself would not comment on the salaries, saying that the union is the one to comment on player compensation.

Dunfield is on for US$120,000 in 2013 and Stinson is getting $46,500 this year.

Paulo Jr., who was waived by the Whitecaps on April 17, was on for $60,000 this season.

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  1. footy

    August 15, 2013 at 5:10 am

    I don’t think it’s to strange. You can’t just dismiss a contract halfway through the season. Normally an agreement between the club and the player is reached, in which the player still gets a large amount of his remaining contract. But it wasn’t their choice, it was the clubs’ (League) so they have no intention to reach an agreement whatsoever.

    More surprising is that a player like Dunfield hasn’t been able to find a club in Sweden or Norway or something since he’s been laid off. I hope they both show up in Ottawa.

  2. cwell

    August 14, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    Bizarre are the ways of the MLS. However, as long as the standard of play continues to improve and the league survives, then who cares how they figure out the salary structure.

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