Home MLS Toronto FC Who is worse? Comparing KC 1999 to TFC 2012

Who is worse? Comparing KC 1999 to TFC 2012


On Saturday night, Toronto FC tied the 1999 Kansas City Wizards for worst-start ever to an MLS regular season, with seven consecutive losses.

So, of course, it’s time to compare KC of 1999 with TFC of 2012.

The Wizards started the season with seven straight losses in 1999, but it needs to be said that MLS of 1999 was a much different animal than the MLS of 2012. Remember that KC’s streak came in an era where no MLS game could be decided in a tie. Games went to shootouts.

Kansas City lost two of its matches in the streak, to San Jose and Colorado, after 1-1 draws against those teams. The Clash and Rapids both won the shootouts to extend the Wizards‘ losing streak. In the 2012 world, KC would have been 0-5-2, not 0-7-0.

But, before you go off and say “aha, KC of 1999 was way better than Toronto FC!” let’s add some more food for thought.

Kansas City was outscored 12-2 in its seven losses. The Wizards only scored in the two draws that were settled in shootouts. In the other five losses, they were outscored 10-0.

Toronto has been outscored 16-6 in the streak. Both teams had a -10 goal difference after seven games.

Kansas City’s worst loss? A 4-0 decison to the Dallas Burn in the 1999 season opener.

TFC’s worst loss? A 3-0 loss to San Jose in the BMO curtain-raiser.

But, we know this about Kansas City. In 2000, thanks to the goalkeeping of Tony Meola and the goal-scoring exploits of Miklos Molnar, the Wizards began the season on a 12-game unbeaten run and went on to win MLS Cup.

And that 2000 Wizards team had some guys named Mo Johnston, Preki and Nick Garcia in the lineup. Maybe what TFC needs is Johnston, Preki and Garcia to all return to the Reds in some capacity in 2013, and things will turn around. No, that’s just crazy talk.

Kansas City’s Not-So Magnificent Seven (1999)
Dallas 4, KC 0
Chicago 3, KC 0
NE 1, KC 0
SJ 1, KC 1 (San Jose wins shooutout)
Colorado 1, KC 1 (Colorado wins shootout)
Miami 1, KC 0
Columbus 1, KC 0

TFC’s Not-So-Magnificent Seven (2012)
Seattle 3, TFC 1
SJ 3, TFC 0
Columbus 1, TFC 0
Montreal 2, TFC 1
Chivas USA 1, TFC 0
Chicago 3, TFC 2
RSL 3, TFC 2

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One Comment

  1. Andre

    May 1, 2012 at 2:20 pm

    Lets have a look at Sporting Kansas City now. I know that their 1999 team was a different animal, but they are an example of how the 4-3-3 can work. It took them a couple of seasons of abject failiure to reach the point they are at now. Currently they are one of the best teams in MLS. TFC just needs to stick with Project Winter, and our ridiculous fan base needs to relax. If we change philosophies every six months we will never actually have one.

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