Home MLS Vancouver Whitecaps Whitecaps get draft picks from D.C. United for Rochat

Whitecaps get draft picks from D.C. United for Rochat


Alain Rochat has been an every-day player since he came to MLS with the Whitecaps back in 2011.

Thursday, the Canadian-born Swiss left back/centre back/midfielder was dealt to D.C. United. And the asking price wasn’t all that much; Vancouver gets a second-round pick not next year, but in 2015. And then, depending on Rochat’s future with D.C. United, a conditional pick goes to the Whitecaps in 2016.

“Alain has been an outstanding professional during his tenure in Vancouver,” said Whitecaps head coach Martin Rennie in a release issued by the club. “It is never easy making player personnel moves but when considering all the factors, this is the best move for the club and it is the right time to go in a different direction. We are thankful for the contributions Alain has made to this club and city, and wish him and his family nothing but the best in D.C.”

Alain Rochat

So, why the low return? And why make the deal now?

From a strict asset-management standpoint, once the Whitecaps decided they wanted to deal Rochat, it became a case of the sooner, the better. The defender is on a $190,000-a-year contract, large by MLS standards. And he’s 30. As he gets older, he becomes a commodity that gets harder to move.

And, in a case where another club is taking a large salary off your hands, it’s difficult to ask for something significant in return. Really, this was about as good a deal as the Caps could make, taking into consideration Rochat’s age and wages.

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One Comment

  1. Seathanaich

    June 6, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    Rochat for what amounts to a shot at a crappy player, and a shot at a really crappy player. Whitecaps lose their starting left back, a player who has been outstanding in two seasons and still pretty good in his third, for nothing.

    Since Chiumiento appears to have wanted away, this is now officially the worst player trade / release in Whitecaps MLS history.

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