Home Business of Soccer Injured Adrian Cann wants to rally Canadian fans

Injured Adrian Cann wants to rally Canadian fans

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Adrian Cann

Adrian Cann’s knee injury has transformed him from Canadian national team hopeful to superfan.

But the Toronto FC central defender is happy to do what he can to rally fan support ahead of Canada’s Friday home date with St. Lucia — the opening of World Cup qualifying.

“This game is my passion my life,” said Cann. “But I will do whatever I can to rally support for the team.”

On Friday, Cann and retired national teamers Jason DeVos and Jim Brennan will lead a march of fans from Lamport Stadium, located at 1155 King St. W., a couple of blocks south to BMO Field at 7 p.m. Friday. Fans can gather at the Umbro headquarters at Lamport at 5:45 p.m. for some very pro-Canadian festivities.

And, for the fans attending? Wear red. Cann wants to see BMO Field turned into a sea of red — and that doesn’t mean empty seats. It’s time Canada got the 12th man advantage in a game; and even in multicultural Toronto, where so many people hang on to the national teams of the countries of their birth or their parents’ birth, red has to be the colour.

“It’s difficult (to rally support) because Canada is a multicultural country,” said Cann. “Especially Toronto. But, across the board, all of us should support our country. And that’s Canada. And to show that support, we want everyone to wear the red colour.”

And Cann thinks Canada can go a perfect six for six in its first round of qualifying games against St. Lucia, Puerto Rico and St. Kitts and Nevis.

“Is 18 points possible? For sure. The side we have has experience but has youth as well. When you look at the draw, we were fortunate to draw the competition that we did. But we know that it’s not going to be easy, either.”

In late May, Cann tore his ACL during a Toronto FC practice on the artificial surface at Cherry Beach. He said that his rehab is going well; he had surgery last month and the pan is to get back to training by December or January, and to be ready when MLS camps open in 2012.

He’s looking forward to be back with TFC for 2012.

“I would say so, at this point I would say yes. I love Toronto.”

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