Home Canadian Soccer Voyageurs Cup Sportsnet’s arrogance comes through in broadcast of NCC finale

Sportsnet’s arrogance comes through in broadcast of NCC finale


Up until Saturday’s Nutrilite Canadian Championship finale, I have been hesitant to criticize Rogers Sportsnet’s handling of the tournament.

I understand that Rogers is a big company that has an obligation to shareholders, first. Rogers owns the Blue Jays and wants to promote that property. Fair. So, we can’t complain when games are bumped to Sportsnet One, the specialty channel.

And, the Jays were scheduled to play Roy Halladay and the Phillies this week, so there’s no doubt which game was going to be on the majority of the Sportsnet network.

But what set me off today, and deserves mentioning, is the continued use of this graphic during the NCC broadcast: “WATCH NOW: Jays vs. Phillies.”

Really? The most exciting match in the history of the NCC is unfolding before our very eyes, and Rogers comes off like it’s apologizing to viewers searching for the Jays’ game? Rogers is actually urging people to switch away from the Cup final to join the baseball broadcast?


It was an arrogant and, to be perfectly honest, stupid move. It was an insult to fans watching the broadcast.

It’s one thing to promote your property — the Jays — ahead of anything else. We all get that. But it’s another thing to treat the broadcast of the national soccer final as if the viewers have better things to do.

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  1. Tim "bgnewf" Drodge

    July 3, 2011 at 12:42 am

    I have to confess that I have not necessarily been a huge massive fans of the concept of a “Wall of Honour” for Toronto FC at such an early stage in the development of our club.

    But it is here. It exists. And to cover a part of it up during the broadcast of a game with a “Rogers Sportsnet” banner is disrespectful to the club and to the players up on that wall, at least it is to me.

    That is exactly what Dobson and company did today. I hope going forward that someone tells Rogers that it is not cool to turn the Wall of Honour” into a “Wall of Ho—“

  2. James

    July 2, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    Not sure what the problem is…they do that on most of their broadcasts if they have live programming on both a regional channel and Sportsnet One. In fact, there was a similar banner on the Jays game which said the soccer could be found on the regionals…

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