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Garber: Empire Field sets example for other MLS suitors

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MLS commissioner Don Garber thinks the temporary arrangements that the Vancouver Whitecaps have at Empire Field can be translated into other potential MLS expansion markets.

A sold-out throng of 22,592 electrified the stadium as the Whitecaps beat Toronto FC 4-2.

But, make no mistake; it’s clear to anyone in the building that this is not a permanent home. Portables and tents ring the stadium, where fans get food, beer and merchandise. The teams’ dressing rooms are in portables.

Still, Empire Field makes for a cozy home for soccer — a nice place to see game until the club moves to B.C. Place in September.

Garber said the temporary solution found by the Whitecaps is one that other potential MLS markets that don’t yet have soccer-specific stadiums could emulate.

“We’d like to think we could.”

In fact, he said people from Empire Field could consult other hopeful MLS cities on how to turn a temporary stadium into a home.

Garber also said that Saturday’s opener could sow the seeds for a great Canadian soccer rivalry that could be this country’s own version of Lakers-Celtics.

“Good rivalries don’t always have to happen between teams across the street from each other.”

Garber and Whitecaps’ partner Steve Nash went on the pitch to bang drums as part of the opening ceremonies.

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