Home NASL & USL FC Edmonton FC Edmonton boasts 55 per cent of the Can-con in the Canadian Championship

FC Edmonton boasts 55 per cent of the Can-con in the Canadian Championship


FC Edmonton accounts for 55 per cent of the domestic content in the upcoming Amway Canadian Championship.

The four teams involved in the ACC submitted their rosters Friday, and the NASL Eddies boast more Canadians in their lineup than Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto FC combined. The three MLS teams together have 14 Canadian players on their rosters, total. FCE has 17.

For purposes of registering domestic content, the Canadian Soccer Association differs from MLS. While MLS counts Alain Rochat (the Whitecap was born in Canada, but grew up in and represents Switzerland) and Eduardo Sebrango (the Impact forward played internationally for Cuba before coming to Canada) as domestic players, the CSA does not include them in the Canadian counts.

The CSA permits the teams to declare rosters of 30, but only the Montreal Impact chose to do so, adding players from its academy system to fill out the roster, including Canadian citizens Karl Ouimette and Wandrille Lefevre. The Impact goes into the tourney with five Canadian players on its roster.

Toronto FC boasts seven players, but added no Canadians through its academy. All seven players on the TFC roster, Quillan Roberts, Terry Dunfield, Julian de Guzman, Matt Stinson, Ashtone Morgan, Doneil Henry and Adrian Cann, come from the MLS roster.

Meanwhile, the Whitecaps bring only Bryce Alderson and Russell Teibert, who were both on the Canadian U-23 team at the recent Olympic qualifiers. Canadian striker Caleb Clarke, who the Whitecaps promoted from the Residency to the MLS roster earlier this week, is not on the roster.

Caceros, Kenny
Cox, Michael
Craig, Paul
Gigolaj, Elvir
Kooy, Chris
Lam, Matt
Lassonde, Fabrice
Misiewiscz, Michal
Monsalve, David
Oppong, Dominic
Porter, Kyle
Rago, Antonio
Saiko, Shaun
Semenets, Alex
Smits, John
Yamada, Kyle

Because FCE, TFC and the ‘Caps each declared 25-man team lists, their coaches can add players during the tournament until they get to the roster maximums.


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  1. ian

    April 28, 2012 at 7:07 am

    whether it’s write or wrong for Amway.

    You mean right, right?

    • Steven Sandor

      April 28, 2012 at 8:30 am

      Yes. And on a reply I wrote about editing conventions!

  2. Ken Jamieson

    April 28, 2012 at 4:11 am

    Of the 14 Canadians on the MLS clubs, how many are regulars, how many will actually play even in ACC games? For Edmonton most of the 17 they have on their roster are regulars in league play and will see significant field time in the ACC.
    While the MLS clubs are bringing up Canadian academy players mainly to warm the benches and give them “exposure” to the game, Edmonton has an expressed philosophy to develop Canadian talent and, by all observations, achieved an unexpected level of success in their first season.
    Yes, the Eddies are having difficulty finding their legs in this NASL season, however there is no panic in the organization and they remain committed to their plan. Can’t say the same for TFC, an organization that has changed course more in their six year MLS history than probably any other club in the league. Hopefully Montreal and Vancouver follow the example of other teams and not TFC.

  3. Ted

    April 27, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    Too bad you cannot call the cup by it’s proper name. It is the Voyageurs Cup and has been around a lot longer than the two different sponsors that have attached their names in the few years. If you really cared about soccer in North America you would make sure to use “Voyageurs Cup” in preference to [insert sponsor name] Canadian Championship.

    • Steven Sandor

      April 28, 2012 at 2:58 am

      Trust me, keeping up with the whirlwind of corporate names on arenas, stadiums and tournaments is difficult. The conventions on how to do this are regularly discussed in newsrooms and in editors’ circles, and I can say that there hasn’t been a clear consensus. With The 11, we try to remain close to Canadian Press style as possible; and CP advises not to used the corporate names over and over, but they can’t be avoided totally, either. CP offers consistency, and that’s why we choose to use it. (True, we could choose to move away from it. For example, I edit another magazine in which we use Oxford to overrule CP in matters of Canadian spelling. But for The 11, we don’t plan to write our own style guide.)

      In many British publications, the opposite is true: Writers and editors are advised to stay away from corporate names. Check Reuters copy and you will see that the Rogers Centre, for example, is STILL referred to as “SkyDome.”

      Other style guides have other rules. But the given convention in Canada at the moment is to allow for sparing use of corporate names.

      But, the reasons for not using the corporate names isn’t altruistic, either. Frankly, the debate is not whether it’s write or wrong for Amway, for example, to brand our national championship. The debate is whether publishers want to give Amway or other corporate sponsors what amounts to free advertising space.

      I am sure the topic will come up again at one of the many editors’ and publishers’ meetings I attend. It definitely is a contentious one.

  4. seathanaich

    April 27, 2012 at 9:56 pm

    Good on them and all that, but Can Con doesn’t appear to be doing Toronto any good, at least at the MLS level. There aren’t a lot of MLS-calibre Canadians, and what few there are have an entire planet to play professionally in and therefore would cost large transfer fees to repatriate. What Canada needs is not more Canadians (who don’t get on the field) on Canadian MLS rosters, but rather NASL/USL Pro teams in Calgary and Ottawa that, like FC Edmonton, and playing young Canadian players.

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