Home MLS More MLS Surprise, surprise: October Player of the Month is Chris Wondolowski

Surprise, surprise: October Player of the Month is Chris Wondolowski


In a vote result that surprised absolutely no one, Chris Wondolowski was named the MLS Player of the Month for October.

What did Wondo do in October? Went on a scoring surge that allowed him to tie Roy Lassiter’s 1996 record for most MLS goals in a season. Wondo, like Lassiter, finished the campaign with 27 goals.

How good was Wondo’s season: Put it this way? Scoring is a lot lower in soccer than it is in hockey or baseball. That being out of the way, stretch Wondo’s scoring rate over an 82-game NHL season (remember when we had those?) and you get a 65-goal season. Or, put that into a 162-game baseball schedule and you get a 129-RBI season.

But that’s if you weight a soccer goal the same as a baseball run or a hockey goal. Most statisticians would not, simply because the rate of scoring in those sports differs so greatly.

This year, MLS does not need to waste the time and energy for an MVP ballot. We don’t need to bother to vote. This is the most lopsided MVP race in history — and it will stun no one when Wondolowski wins the award this season.

By the way, this marked the fourth month of 2012 that Wondo was named player of the month.


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One Comment

  1. Daniel Blodgett

    November 6, 2012 at 12:31 am

    Last year I was talking about how I didn’t understand how Clint Dempsey and Landon Donovan were the faces of American soccer, when Herculez Gomez and Chris Wondolowski were workhorses that earned their positions with grit and determination. I still feel that way one year later.

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