Home MLS Montreal Impact MLS suspends Impact’s Nyassi for simulation

MLS suspends Impact’s Nyassi for simulation


Sanna Nyassi will miss Saturday’s game between the Montreal Impact and New York Red Bulls.

The MLS Disciplinary Committee has ruled that the Impact forward was cheating when he went down on the edge of the box under a challenge from Chivas defender Mario de Luna, which resulted in Patrice Bernier’s game-tying penalty kick.

The game finished 1-1, with the penalty helping the Impact salvage a draw at home.

According to MLS, “The Committee unanimously determined that Nyassi initially feigned contact by collapsing before the challenge from Chivas USA defender Mario De Luna, resulting in the awarding of a penalty kick.”

Here is the video:

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  1. footy

    July 14, 2013 at 9:22 am

    This is wrong in so many ways. I think it’s a bad call, yes, he jumps before contact but he’d better!

    But moreover, there are dozens of these situations in each game, where do you draw the line? Does every decision judged by the ref get another look by the board? Does every non-decision get the same attention? Will they count an offside goal that hasn’t been given if they can tell by the television footage that it should have counted? There’s no end to this madness.

    “I’m sorry, you think it was 1-1 but we had another look and it turns out to be 3-0.” I don’t even think this is allowed by FIFA to be honest. It gives you the impression they league office wants NYRB on top or something. Completely bogus.

  2. footy

    July 13, 2013 at 10:58 pm

    WT.? And there’s no riots going on in Montreal? What an incredibly bad call. How is is he supposed to evade this sliding challenge from La Luna who even tries to pusuade the ref that it happened OUTSIDE of the box? I mean, seriously? Is there no appeal to this decision possible whatsoever?

    • Steven Sandor

      July 13, 2013 at 11:54 pm

      Actually, the Impact and Nyassi DID appeal the decision before it was made public. The appeal was rejected by MLS.

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