Home MLS More MLS MDS to MLS: “I’ve really achieved all I can achieve in Division 2”

MDS to MLS: “I’ve really achieved all I can achieve in Division 2”


After the San Francisco Deltas won the 2017 NASL title and then dissolved, Canadian coach Marc Dos Santos was on the job market.

What a résumé. Three years. Three different Division-2 teams. Three trips to championship games. One thing he didn’t want: To be an assistant. He wanted to be the boss.

But, after a phone call with LAFC head coach Bob Bradley, MDS was convinced that maybe he could be an assistant coach. On Friday, it was made official; Dos Santos will join Bradley’s staff with the much-ballyhooed MLS expansion side. He said that Bradley sold him on a vision to build what was going to be a very special club in Los Angeles.

Dos Santos confirmed that he had offers to coach another second-division side in 2018, but, after some soul searching, realized that it wasn’t for him.

“I had opportunities in the second division, but I’ve really achieved all I can achieve in Division 2,” said Dos Santos. “Three years, coach-of-the-year awards. It was time for me to take on a new challenge.”

MDS confirmed that he wasn’t contacted by Canada Soccer about the men’s team coaching position. Octavio Zambrano was replaced by John Herdman, who moved over from the women’s side.

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One Comment

  1. Ralph

    January 14, 2018 at 10:35 pm

    Super happy for MDS. What a great place to land. What a great role. Considering that LAFC must have paid a pretty penny for Bradley it is obvious he wanted MDS. That is as big a plus on the resume as you can get! This is like the godfather of US soccer and he wants you to be his number 2. Wow.

    Huge gain for LAFC as MDS will prove a huge asset given his track record in D2. Great for MDS and LAFC. I’m not impressed that the CSA didn’t even call him about the CMNT job. Does Bob Bradley think more of MDS than the CSA? I think we all know which one knows more about soccer!

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