Home NASL & USL FC Edmonton City of Edmonton says it is waiting on FC Edmonton’s Clarke Stadium plans

City of Edmonton says it is waiting on FC Edmonton’s Clarke Stadium plans


The City of Edmonton says it is still awaiting engineering plans and a landscape plan on the proposed increase of Clarke Stadium’s capacity from 1,200 to 4,000 seats.

FC Edmonton has made the move to Clarke, and plans to install banks of temporary stands around the grounds to bring up the capacity to 4,000. A children’s play area and beer garden are also in the works, with capacity on the grounds for another 1,000 standing fans.

But, if a letter circulated from city staff to The 11 suggests that there is still a lot of paperwork to be completed.

“City of Edmonton staff for the Partner and Facility Development Section have been and still are working directly with FC Edmonton staff to help them obtain the necessary approvals required to retrofit this existing sport facility,” stated the e-mail, from Evelyn Ehrman, Director, Stewardship and Commonwealth Stadium. “It is my understanding that FC Edmonton are waiting for engineered stamped drawings from their engineering company, the completion of a landscape plan and then a building permit.

“The staff at Commonwealth Stadium and Clarke Field have continued to be supportive and provide consultative assistance to the staff of FC Edmonton for this project since the concept was first brought to our attention. We will continue to do all we can to assist FC Edmonton to bring this plan to fruition this season.”

FCE has played its first two NASL home games at Clarke, with seating capacity limited to the existing bleachers. Both games have had attendances in the neighbourhood of the 1,200-person capacity of that one main stand. The Eddies’ front office said that late snowfalls that softened the ground made it impossible to build the new stands in time for the first two games. And, last week, the team stated that the new stands would likely not be done in time for next Sunday’s home date with the San Antonio Scorpions.

The date with the Scorpions begins a run of three consecutive Sundays at home for the Eddies.

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  1. Yawassanay

    May 30, 2012 at 10:43 am

    FCE are starting to resemble a poorly run organization on and off the pitch…is it really that difficult to get temporary stand put in at Clarke..it is almost June…their website is bush league, their performance in the NASL and the ACC has been very poor at best and their home crowds are so small the question is why even increase Clarke past 2000 or at all???
    Last year they averaged less than 2000 per game and could only draw a pathetically small crowd of 2700+ for the Vancouver match..Edmonton has a metro population nearing 1.2 million and all the Eddies could draw was 2700 against an MLS club.

    Something seems to be missing and one has to wonder how long the Fath’s can pour out monies when their product’s quality and administration is questionable and an increasing fans and corporate support appear to be very slow in materiaizing.

  2. Jamonty

    May 23, 2012 at 7:34 am

    The club expressed in Oct 2011 a desire to leave Foote, yet only announced Clarke in late March 2012 (5 months). Now two months later and it is “he said, she said” regarding approvals, paperwork (architect drawings), and actual shovels in the ground.
    When will the FO get its ducks in a row? This is not good optics.

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