TSN, CTV, RDS win rights for 2018 and 2022 World Cups and 2015 WWC By Steven Sandor Posted on October 27, 2011 Comments Off on TSN, CTV, RDS win rights for 2018 and 2022 World Cups and 2015 WWC 0 723 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter The Bell Media empire, which includes CTV, TSN and RDS, announced Thursday that it had secured the rights for the 2015 Women’s World Cup and the 2018 Russia and 2022 Qatar World Cups. “This is a historic day for Bell Media and sports broadcasting in Canada . We are thrilled that FIFA has recognized our unmatched ability to produce, promote and market the World Cup to all Canadians,” said Phil King, President, CTV Programming and Sports, in a release issued by Bell Media. “Our production team has a long legacy of delivering outstanding coverage of major international events across multiple platforms. In this partnership, FIFA can expect Bell Media’s coverage to not only serve avid Canadian soccer fans but also showcase their marquee events to non-traditional sports fans. We’ll be working closely with our partners to put a national spotlight on the 2015 Women’s World Cup ensuring the event has a long-term impact on the future of soccer in Canada.” As Bell scoops up the soccer broadcasts, CBC’s decline as a soccer broadcaster continues. Think back four years, and CBC was the national broadcaster of MLS games in Canada (which it lost to TSN in 2011) and had a lock on all FIFA events. By 2015, the national network will be on the outside looking in. As part of the package, Bell Media has the Canadian rights to all FIFA events between 2015 and 2022, including U-20 World Cups, U-17 World Cups, Beach World Cups, Futsal and the 2019 Women’s World Cup.