Home Global Game Rest of the World The Power and Politics of the 2014 World Cup and Beyond: Join us for a night of stimulating soccer discussion

The Power and Politics of the 2014 World Cup and Beyond: Join us for a night of stimulating soccer discussion

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Want to talk about the World Cup, and what it means on a global scale? How soccer influences international politics? And what it will mean if Canada wins the right to host the 2026 World Cup?

The Canadian International Council is sponsoring a free-to-attend event on Tuesday, July 8. Featuring the CBC’s Tim Adams, FC Edmonton coach and former Canadian international player and manager Colin Miller and yours truly, we will discuss the World Cup and its impact on the world, plus a look at what soccer success on the domestic level would mean to Canada as a whole. It’s a night that meshes sport, international relations and political discourse, with an opportunity for the audience to ask questions and get involved in the discussion.

(UPDATE: Canadian Soccer Hall of Famer Janine Helland has been added to the panel!)

The night : “The Power and Politics of the 2014 World Cup and Beyond” will start at 6 p.m. July 8 at The Pint in downtown Edmonton at 10125 109th St.

The info can be found by clicking the poster link below.

CIC Footie Event Poster – Final2

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