Home Global Game Europe Rumour mill debunked: QPR states it hasn’t signed TFC Academy players

Rumour mill debunked: QPR states it hasn’t signed TFC Academy players


Queens Park Rangers have confirmed that Canadian teenagers Dylan Carreiro and Michael Petrasso have not been signed by the English Premiership club.

In an e-mail statement to The11, the club’s press office stated that neither of the TFC Academy prospects, who have been the subject of much blog and message board speculation, are with the club.

QPR’s press officer, Ian Taylor said that, “to the best of his knowledge” neither Petrasso or Carreiro are on trial with QPR.

It looks as if some blog speculation and Tweets may have been misinterpreted by eager fans. But, The 11 checked with the source, QPR itself, and the club honestly doesn’t seem to have any knowledge of the moves.

Both TFC Academy products were part of the recent U-18 Canadian national team camp held in Costa Rica.

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  1. Steven Sandor

    January 17, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    I also have to note Dylan Carreiro’s Twitter is private… you can’t follow it without his permission. Question for the readers… was it like this last week? (I didn’t follow him)

  2. artificer

    January 17, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    You don’t think this is two years at QPR Centre of Excellence (u18, which would be two seasons for both boys) plus a one year pro option, if they do well? Debunked may be too strong a term…

    • artificer

      January 17, 2012 at 10:01 pm

      Sorry, meant to add that CoE is where Bircham, who saw them for Canada, coaches.

      • Steven Sandor

        January 17, 2012 at 10:46 pm

        Sure, it could be an option. But I think debunked is OK because I feel that we have become carried away with using the word “signed” to replace “trial” “in negotiations,” “agreed to terms,” etc. when it doesn’t mean the same thing.

        • artificer

          January 17, 2012 at 11:29 pm

          Right you are…I’m just suggesting that Ian Taylor wouldn’t necessarily be aware of kids prospectively joining their academy, whereas to young Dylan, he’s SIGNING FOR qpr! He did privatize his fb last week…

          • Steven Sandor

            January 17, 2012 at 11:54 pm

            See, to me, that’s interesting. Could it be Mr. Carreiro was told to keep his Twitter account quiet after a rather embarrassing Tweet about his signing surfaced? I think we all need to remember that these are kids, and one of them might have jumped the gun or spoken out of turn.

  3. Michael

    January 17, 2012 at 8:59 pm

    How could this be misinterpreted?

    “@samuelpiette yes im just about to sign a contract with qpr
    @samuelpiette 2 years , and option for 3rd


    • Steven Sandor

      January 17, 2012 at 9:33 pm

      I spent days trying to get in touch with QPR. Just went right to the source. Maybe Carreiro and Petrasso will be there one day. Maybe tomorrow. But the club was clear in its statement. And, the office would know about these things, because it would need certificates from TFC in order to allow these kids to trial. Nobody trials for a pro club “under the radar” because there is a paper trail. Were these kids playing FIFA12? Being told something by an agent that wasn’t true? Or are they waiting for paperwork to clear? But, right now, and this isn’t me saying this, this is QPR saying this, they aren’t there.

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