Home MLS Montreal Impact Nelson Rivas will miss Impact’s next three matches because of headbutt

Nelson Rivas will miss Impact’s next three matches because of headbutt

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The Montreal Impact’s Nelson Rivas will miss the next three games, as MLS passed judgment on his red-card head butt during last weekend’s win over the Philadelphia Union.

The MLS Disciplinary Committee announced Thursday that it had added two more games to Rivas’ suspension for headbutting Philadelphia’s Antoine Hoppenot. That’s in addition to the automatic one-game suspension he earned for the straight red.

first ejection of season

So, Rivas will be unavailable for Sunday’s game at New England, and will miss home dates with San Jose (Aug. 18) and D.C. United (Aug. 25).

Last Saturday, Rivas was involved in a tussle with Hoppenot as they both battled for position. Hoppenot was able to flip Rivas over his back, and the Colombian defender was incensed. He popped up off the Stade Saputo grass and marched towards Hoppenot, driving his forehead through the French forward’s face.

Philadelphia’s Jack McInerney was also sent off, as he rushed to the aid of Hoppenot.

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