Clarke Stadium: Bleachers finally going up, should be ready for next FCE home game By Steven Sandor Posted on May 3, 2013 3 0 1,055 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Last night, FC Edmonton owner Tom Fath sent over a couple of images that prove that, yes, finally the Clarke Stadium bleachers are going up. A year after the planned expansion of FCE’s home stadium from 1,200 seats to 4,000 seats was announced, the stands are on schedule to be ready for the May 12 home date, which will see the Atlanta Silverbacks come to the Alberta capital for a 2 p.m. local kickoff. The stands were first announced in spring of 2012, but paperwork was a major issue — as the American manufacturer needed to have the seats comply with Alberta code. The process to get that paperwork done took so long, that Clarke remained a 1,200-seat venue for all of the 2012 season. FCE also has the added pressure of needing to fill the seats to not only help with this year’s bottom line, but for the future of pro soccer in Edmonton. A new 8,000-12,000 soccer stadium is on the radar of Edmonton’s City Council, but will only get to the next phase of discussions this fall IF (and only if) Edmonton shows its supports the team by regularly filling the new stands. A solid turnout for the May 28 friendly at Commonwealth Stadium between Costa Rica and Canada will also help. As well, broadcast plans for the rest of the season are expected to be made official next week. The team’s first home game was streamed on, but there are new and exciting plans in the wings. Obviously, as the colour man for the team’s broadcasts, I have some knowledge of the changes coming for the 2013 season. (And I am declaring my clear conflict of interest right now.) So, I can tell you that you can expect some awesome things this year, but I can’t be more specific at this time. As soon as I know when announcements will be made, I will have the news on the site.