Urruti traded away from TFC less than a week after Payne leaves the team 9 Sep 2013 Boy, you get the feeling that the drawn out pursuit of Argentine forward Maximiliano Urruti was a Kevin Payne pet project, don’t you?
Urruti signed by TFC, not quite sealed and delivered 16 Aug 2013 It’s hard to imagine a signing of any athlete in MLS history which has more of a “whew, it’s finally done” feel than Toronto’s FC’s announcement that Argentine forward Maximiliano Urruti is finally a Red.
Urruti case: Public battles between clubs are never pretty 6 Aug 2013 According to Newell's Old Boys, Urruti is under contract till 2014: “The team believes that the player is missing his contractual obligation and must report to work under the orders of his coaching staff. Should this not happen, Newell's Old Boys will exercise appropriate legal mechanisms to defend their rights.”