Home NASL & USL FC Edmonton Eddies add two trialists ahead of preseason date with Victoria

Eddies add two trialists ahead of preseason date with Victoria


Two trialists with U.S. passports will try and impress FC Edmonton coach Colin Miller when the Eddies face the PDL’s Victoria Highlanders this Wednesday.

Striker Chad Burt and midfielder Cristian Raudales will be available for the Eddies on Wednesday and hope to crack the team’s NASL roster for the upcoming fall season, which begins July 13.

Raudales, who is a dual Honduran-American citizen, went to Florida Gulf Coast University and then went out to Germany, where he played in the lower divisions with BSV Schwarz-Weiss Rehden. When he graduated in 2011, Raudales held Florida Gulf Coast University’s records for career points and goals scored — 19 in 71 matches.

Burt played in the NASL with FC Tampa Bay — before the team got permission to use the classic Rowdies name — and scored against the Eddies in a 1-1 draw back in May, 2011 (CLICK HERE).

Miller has a couple of open roster slots that he could fill before the Eddies begin the fall campaign. A career-threatening knee injury forced Canadian midfielder Gagandeep Dosanjh and the Eddies to part ways in the spring season; and American midfielder Mike Banner has been lost for the season with a knee injury.

The Eddies are currently maxed out on international roster spots, so any new players brought in would need to be Canadian or American citizens — or be officially recognized permanent residents of either country.


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  1. Mike

    July 3, 2014 at 4:48 pm

    Agreed since the starting 11 are probably set. CM is fighting for his position though. Hopefully the 6-1 win carries forward into the fall.

  2. john anderson

    July 2, 2014 at 11:42 pm

    wish the trialists were canadians that are out of contract

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