Home Canadian Premier League CanPL News and Notes CanPL commissioner suggests there may be “room for creativity” when it comes to signing players

CanPL commissioner suggests there may be “room for creativity” when it comes to signing players

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The first-ever Canadian Premier League season is set to kick off in late April. The league is currently in the midst of holding trials.

But, there are still some rather large laundry-list items that are being dealt with before the league can formally unveil the roster rules salary-cap amounts.

At the Got Game trials Friday in Calgary, league Commissioner David Clanachan said the league members are still discussing how flexible and creative they will be allowed to be under the coming salary cap. Clanachan repeated that each of the seven teams operating budget will be over $1 million — but how much of that will be devoted to player salaries?

“The vast majority of that will obviously be in the players,” said Clanachan.

And he said that, while still in the discussion phase, ways of being flexible — when it comes to signing players  — are on the table.

“There could be creative ways of doing it, with the players that are coming in,” said Clanachan. “We haven’t had anyone come forward and say ‘we want to to this’ at this point in time. But we’ve given them a little bit of wiggle room.”

The commissioner said “for sure, there will be some room for creativity” within the cap.

“We’ve got all the teams starting at the same time, so you have to help everybody help themselves.”

And that creativity might be needed. While we spoke, a two teams of trialists were taking the field at the Calgary Foothills facility.  But the league understands that it will need experienced players to underpin the rosters of all seven teams.

“We’re focusing on some foundational players, those who have made their careers in the game, they can be anywhere between 20 to 30 years of age. We’ve said we need at least a couple of foundational players (per team) and really strengthen each club.”

Another thing on the table is what to do about injured players.

“At the end of the day, we’re talking 20 to 23 on the roster but the clubs have said it won’t be uncommon to see three or four players hurt. So, now, what happens? We’re working through that right now. Obviously, we’re doing it collectively.”

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